“My Winnipeg” (2007)
Documentary film created by Guy Maddin, Canadian director and artist. This work of art is an unusual and touching story about the author’s personal experiences and his connection with his hometown – Winnipeg.
The history of Detroit’s heyday in the XX century is known to everyone – in the 50s it became the main center of mechanical engineering in the USA, the richest city in the country, where Ford, General Motors, Chrysler plants were concentrated.
Documentary film created by Guy Maddin, Canadian director and artist. This work of art is an unusual and touching story about the author’s personal experiences and his connection with his hometown – Winnipeg.
“New York: The Documentary” is an eight-episode 17.5-hour American documentary about the history of New York. It was directed by Rick Burns and originally aired in the US on PBS.
The film tells the story of Detroit – formerly a rich and prosperous industrial center, but now facing serious economic, social and cultural challenges.