Documentary film created by Guy Maddin, Canadian director and artist. This work of art is an unusual and touching story about the author’s personal experiences and his connection with his hometown – Winnipeg.
The film centers on Maddina’s autobiographical account of his childhood and youth, experiences with family, love and tradition. The artist uses animation and real footage to immerse the viewer in his memories and reflections about the past and present.
Maddie uses animation to enrich the story and emotional aspects of the film. This amazing technique allows him to express his feelings and explore his relationship with his hometown in a warm and touching manner.
“My Winnipeg” is not just a documentary about the city, it is an exploration of the director’s inner world, his look at his past and reflection on how his past experiences have shaped him as an artist. This film aims to not only showcase Winnipeg in its unique characteristics, but also to give viewers a deep understanding of how cities influence our personalities and creativity.